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  • Investing in the traditional stocks market and the crypto market can offer different opportunities and challenges for both companies and individuals. Both markets are subject to volatility, regulation, and competition, but they also have distinct features that affect the risk and management of investments.

    The traditional stocks market is based on the ownership of shares of companies that are listed on regulated exchanges. The value of these shares depends on the performance, reputation, and earnings of the companies, as well as the supply and demand of the market. Investors can buy and sell shares through brokers or online platforms, and they can use various strategies and tools to diversify, hedge, or leverage their positions. The traditional stocks market is generally considered more stable, transparent, and accessible than the crypto market, but it also faces risks such as market crashes, fraud, insider trading, and inflation.

    The crypto market is based on the exchange of digital assets that are secured by cryptography and distributed ledger technology. The value of these assets depends on the innovation, adoption, and network effects of the underlying protocols, as well as the speculation and sentiment of the market. Investors can buy and sell crypto assets through decentralized platforms or centralized intermediaries, and they can use various methods and instruments to store, transfer, or trade their assets. The crypto market is generally considered more innovative, dynamic, and profitable than the traditional stocks market, but it also faces risks such as hacking, theft, scams, regulation uncertainty, and volatility.

    Both markets require careful research, analysis, and planning before investing. Companies and individuals should assess their risk appetite, investment goals, and financial situation before entering either market. They should also monitor the market trends, news, and events that may affect their investments. Moreover, they should adopt best practices and principles to manage their portfolios, such as diversification, asset allocation, risk management, and security. By doing so, they can increase their chances of achieving positive returns and minimizing losses in both markets.
    Investing in the traditional stocks market and the crypto market can offer different opportunities and challenges for both companies and individuals. Both markets are subject to volatility, regulation, and competition, but they also have distinct features that affect the risk and management of investments. The traditional stocks market is based on the ownership of shares of companies that are listed on regulated exchanges. The value of these shares depends on the performance, reputation, and earnings of the companies, as well as the supply and demand of the market. Investors can buy and sell shares through brokers or online platforms, and they can use various strategies and tools to diversify, hedge, or leverage their positions. The traditional stocks market is generally considered more stable, transparent, and accessible than the crypto market, but it also faces risks such as market crashes, fraud, insider trading, and inflation. The crypto market is based on the exchange of digital assets that are secured by cryptography and distributed ledger technology. The value of these assets depends on the innovation, adoption, and network effects of the underlying protocols, as well as the speculation and sentiment of the market. Investors can buy and sell crypto assets through decentralized platforms or centralized intermediaries, and they can use various methods and instruments to store, transfer, or trade their assets. The crypto market is generally considered more innovative, dynamic, and profitable than the traditional stocks market, but it also faces risks such as hacking, theft, scams, regulation uncertainty, and volatility. Both markets require careful research, analysis, and planning before investing. Companies and individuals should assess their risk appetite, investment goals, and financial situation before entering either market. They should also monitor the market trends, news, and events that may affect their investments. Moreover, they should adopt best practices and principles to manage their portfolios, such as diversification, asset allocation, risk management, and security. By doing so, they can increase their chances of achieving positive returns and minimizing losses in both markets.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 11763 Views
  • 2023年まであとわずかとなった、



    2023年まであとわずかとなった、 中国は今、金を積み立て、米国債へのエクスポージャーを減らしている。 これを無視できる人がいるだろうか。 これは非常に強力な戦略だ。
    0 Comments 0 Shares 940 Views
  • 優れたトレーダーになる方法 - 利益はリスクに対する報酬であり、損失はリスクを思い出させるものです
    自分の性格や市場を解釈する能力に合ったチャンスは常にたくさんあります。それらをつかみ、自分にとってふさわしくない他の機会は無視してください。どんな市場でもトレードできるオールラウンダーであることに偏執的にならないでください。 敵対的な考え方を持たないでください。取引は戦争ではありません。市場もあなたを追いかけていません。市場はあなたの存在すら知りません。実際、市場には全く興味がありません。金はあなたが購入したことを知りません。彼らはやるべきことをやっているので、あなたはそれに適応するだけです。市場があなたの上司です。 トレーディングでは常に選択肢に直面しますが、まず品種の選択、次に価格のタイミングの選択です。...
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  • 現地の報道によると、中国銀行上海支店は、海外で受け取った1億元(1400万ドル)のe-CNY CBDC決済を、上海金融取引所国際掲示板を経由して金に送金することに成功した...
    現地の報道によると、中国銀行上海支店は、海外で受け取った1億元(1400万ドル)のe-CNY CBDC決済を、上海金融取引所国際掲示板を経由して金に送金することに成功した...
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  • 世界の通貨決済に占める中国人民元のシェアが日本円を追い抜いた。


    世界の通貨決済に占める中国人民元のシェアが日本円を追い抜いた。 日本、 もう一撃。
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  • グレートパシフィックゴールド、強力な資産ポートフォリオで2024年は大忙し

    グレートパシフィックゴールド、強力な資産ポートフォリオで2024年は大忙し 中央銀行の金需要は引き続き旺盛 脱ダラー化が進む GPACは2024年に非常に忙しくなる
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  • ドルインデックスは5ヶ月ぶりの安値、金はドル建てで史上最高値付近で取引されており、コストコの人々は前四半期に1億ドル相当の金現物を購入した。








    ドルインデックスは5ヶ月ぶりの安値、金はドル建てで史上最高値付近で取引されており、コストコの人々は前四半期に1億ドル相当の金現物を購入した。 世界の中央銀行の外貨準備に占めるドルのシェアは徐々に下がり続けている。 現在、世界全体の外貨準備に占めるドルの割合は59.2%である。 世界の中央銀行は外貨準備の多様化を続けている。 現物の金を金庫に凍結することはできない。 ドルインデックスは今日、5ヶ月ぶりの安値をつけた。 これは、より多くの国が自国通貨での貿易決済について議論しているために起こっている。 BRICSは拡大し、米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)は来年何度も利下げを行うことを示唆している。 新年を迎える準備はできているだろうか?
    0 Comments 0 Shares 932 Views
  • 中央銀行は、発行した紙幣を使って、クリスマスに向けて金を購入しています。

    中央銀行は、発行した紙幣を使って、クリスマスに向けて金を購入しています。 それは魔法ではないでしょうか?
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